Madison County 310 Board

What is a Medicaid Waiver?
Medicaid Waiver programs help provide services to people who would otherwise be in an institution, nursing home, or hospital to receive long-term care in the community. Prior to 1991, the Federal Medicaid program paid for services only if a person lived in an institution.
The waiver is a mechanism for Medicaid to cover specified services that are enumerated in the waiver and are typically not covered by Medicaid.
I have a disability, yes that's true, but all that really means is I may have to take a slightly different path than you.
-Robert M. Hensel
Apply for Services

An Amendment to the waiver has changed the criteria to an IQ of 72 and under prior to the age of 22****

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The following documentation will be needed to complete the waiting list application:
1) A printout of an IQ test evaluation report completed prior to the age of 18. If the individual is under the age of 18 at the time of application, the test must be within 3 years current.
2) A printout of an IQ test evaluation report completed after the age of 18.
3) A printout of the most recent IEP and eligibility assessment if available.
Need IQ testing?